
quinoa + sweet potatoes

1. begin cooking your quinoa.

2. place in oven : 1-2 sweet potatoes (cut, obv), 1/2 large celery root cut into smallish cubes/rectangles, 1 shallot thinly sliced, olive oil (a bunch) and salt. bake at 350 for about an hour

3. place in heavy bottomed pan : butter (whatever you feel is the appropriate amount, i used about 1/2 tbs...ok maybe more) and 2 cloves of garlic thinly sliced. cook garlic until it begins to brown. toss in a bunch of kale sliced into thin stips (the thinner the better) and cook until the kale starts to crisp ... this is very important.

4. plate, quinoa on the bottom, kale in the middle and sweet potatoes/celery root on the top. i then topped it off with a drizzle of garlic expressions vinaigrette (you should buy this if you don't have it in your salad dressing aresenal. i typically like to make our own, but this stuff is delish)

5. sit on your couch and queue season 5 of lost. continue to get lost in lost and not go to bed until very late ... particularly for a school night.

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